The Angela

George Koranteng
3 min readDec 4, 2022


“I saved a 1-year reminder with the link. I wanted to challenge you….”

(Check out the screenshot of this message). This message from Angela Bortey made me teary. It felt like I had been lashed on my back. I wasn’t expecting such a message to pop up on LinkedIn.

Angela’s message to me on LinkedIn

It’s Sunday morning and I’m thinking deeply about how I am going to navigate “the quarter-life crisis”. I chanced across a TedxTalk by Adam Poswolsky on the subject Refusing to Settle: The Quarter-Life Crisis( The first point Adam made was “Find Believers” and he goes on to make a point on why we need an “Angela”.


Everyone needs an “Angela” in their lives; Someone who is going to hold you accountable for every dream you tell them no matter how big or small. If you don’t want to do it, don’t tell an “Angela” because they will come ripping you apart for something you said you were going to do but have not done yet. They are always unpleasant in telling you the truth to your face. No sugar coating. Just as it is.

Here are five reasons why you need an “Angela” in your life in your mid-20s;

  1. Facing a crisis is inevitable. You need an “Angela” to keep you motivated to grow through your crisis.
  2. There is no growth in your comfort zone. You need an “Angela” to challenge you to be better.
  3. “Angelas” do not tell you it is ok when it is bad. Her feedback is objective. You need this for self-improvement.
  4. They want to see you win. They are in no competition with you.
  5. You need someone to share a piece of bad news with. “Angelas” would listen.
A photograph with Angela

The only reason why I am writing this blog is that an “Angela” held me accountable for not writing more often.

“You said you wanted to improve your writing skills, when are you going to release your next blog”, she says.

I just did.

I remember your message clearly on my birthday. You said, “ You do not need inspiration to write.”

Trust me, I was not inspired to write this blog.

Photograph of Angela.

