24 lessons learned in 24 years

George Koranteng
3 min readNov 26, 2021


Guess what? I turn 24 today. Yes, I am a young gentleman trying to figure life out. After a period of self-isolation and introspection about a month ago, I was inspired to pen down 24 lessons I’ve learned in the 24 years of my life. Some of these lessons are nuggets of wisdom which transpired as a result of fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Others I learnt through books and personal experiences. You may or may not be able to relate which is all good.

There is more to share but here are 24 of the life lessons and nuggets of wisdom I’ve learned over the last 24 years of my life. Kindly note these are not in order of importance. Enjoy!

  1. Knowing God early saves a lot of your time.
  2. Sometimes. Just sometimes, the people God chooses are walking contradictions in life.
  3. Someone or something has led me to where I am now. Who or what I allow to lead me is as important as where I am going.
  4. Finish what you start.
  5. My parent’s property is not mine. I must work harder for mine.
  6. If you can only imagine it, you can achieve it.
  7. In the midst of high-performing people, the likelihood of feeling incompetent or not good enough may be high. That’s a process. See it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Keep moving forward.
  8. If I want to be excellent, I must do more than what is expected.
  9. I have the power to change the trajectory of my life. I have the power.
  10. Why worry about what is not yet come? Enjoy the moment.
  11. The person I look up to is still figuring it out. Nobody. I repeat nobody has figured everything out.
  12. It is not my responsibility to change people. When I provide counsel, I must leave the decision-making to them.
  13. I experience the consequences of the advice I take from people alone. I must decide wisely.
  14. “I could have or I should have” does not solve past problems. It only breeds anxiety.
  15. Between expectations and reality is an argument.
  16. My values are what make me stand out.
  17. God is a reward for those who diligently seek him.
  18. The most important part of prayer is meditation.
  19. Say nothing when upset or frustrated, it saves relationships.
  20. I must take full responsibility for the decisions I take.
  21. People must identify me, for one thing, I can do best.
  22. I could be fired from my job one day but nobody can fire me from my gift. It is my gift. Therefore, it is important to identify my gift and develop it.
  23. My ideas expand when I begin to think about others more than myself.
  24. God is good.

I would like to hear from you. What important lesson have you learnt over the years? Kindly leave submissions in the comment section. Thank you for spending the time to read.

